
New Years Surprise!

First of all, I really have fallen of the wagon with the writing of Seven Days. And I know you've heard it before (see July '09 Update) but this time I'm going to do it right!

Progress has been scarce and looking back, I can't believe it's been 6 months since my last major update on the rest of the saga (beyond NYC)! A few weeks back I got back into things and it was going okay until... Well, I asked a few people (without spoiling any specifics) if they preferred my original vision or the new one (which is what I've been struggling with the past few years) in terms of the plot of Seven Days. Both said they preferred the original. So, last week, I made the decision to go back to my original idea for the plot and I've been working on it ever since.

Part of the reason I started this blog was to help keep me motivated in my writing and to push through the rough patches while still accomplishing 'something'. Which leads me to:

New Year's Promise!
While I generally don't make New Year's Resolutions (because every day is a good day to instill positive change in one's life!), I will make this promise to all of you readers: Starting in the new year, I will start posting the progress on Seven Days! This will start on January 1 with the first chapter (which is actually the only complete chapter I have done!). Then, I'll be posting another chapter, or updates, every Thursday after that!

Have a good one!