
Movies and Me

One thing you'll may want to know (or already know, for some) about me is that I really like movies.  A lot!  I watch about 250-300 per year, I've watched 8 in a single week and as many as 3 in one day.  Along with my liking of movies, I tend to quote/reference them a lot.  (Didn't you catch the reference in the title of the first post?!)  Also, as you're reading NYC, I'm curious how many references you'll catch.  First person to correctly guess a particular reference gets 2 points.  And for a really obscure reference, 5 points!

Here is a list of Movie Related sites I frequent:
Ain't It Cool News: http://www.aintitcool.com/
John August's Blog: http://johnaugust.com/ (Screenwriter of Go, Big Fish, The Nines, etc)

What's the point?
Since I like movies so much, they are a big inspiration for me.  The stuff I'm writing in The Wolf Saga is stuff I'd like to see on the big screen.  I do read a bit too, but movies are just more economical for me as far as my time goes.  Perhaps someday the saga will make it to the big screen but for now I'm happy just writing it and telling a story.  It doesn't take a Hollywood studio to write a novel.

Ideas for the Future
- Perhaps at some point in the future, I'll post my "Movies Everyone Should See" list.  These are not necessarily my favorites, just a list of movies I think every body should see.
- Another possability is a weekly recap of movies I've seen recently.  It'll probably be a list of what I saw, when, and what I thought about it.

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