
NYC: Update #6

The end is in sight! I can see it as it is all coming together in my mind! I'm so excited! Like last week, there are hardly any updates, just another chapter. And after thinking about more, I am definitely focusing on just the end and I'm not going back and re-reading stuff and catching things I want to update. My main goal now is just to finish and I'm almost there. As I've said before, there are some plot points I want to add after I finish to help fill out the story and the context in which it takes place a little more but I already decided to hold off on those until I finish. But I am thinking about them and trying to decide where the best place for the additions is going to be. Anyway, for now, I hope you enjoy this week's new chapter.

Character List revisions: A few characters were moved to different sections to be more accurate. (And a little SPOILER: the one character on the list we haven't meet yet will be making her apperance in Chapter 14.)

Chapter 12 (Distractions): Wolf and Elle discus their options for getting Wolf in The Father's warehouse.

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